Ratings Guide

Ratings Guide:


10 - a superb film, will likely be one of the best 25 films of the decade.
9 - a great film, will likely be one of the 10 best films of the year.
8 - a very good film
7 - a good film
6 - a fun and entertaining film, but somewhat lacking (basically 10-6 are films I liked)
5 - a somewhat enjoyable film, but not good
4 - a bad film
3 through 1 - degrees of really bad


10 - a great episode, one of the best of the show
9 - a very good episode, one of the best of the season
8 - a good episode
7 - an ok episode
6 - a passable episode
5 - a bad episode
4 through 1 - degrees of really bad


5 - a great album/instant classic, one of the best albums of the decade
4 - a good to great album, one of the best of the year in its genre
3 - an okay to good album, not amazing but certainly has some good stuff on it and worth your time
2 - a weak album, but with one or two good tracks
1 - a bad album

Video Games:

10 - a superb game, likely to be one of the top 5 games of the decade, a must buy
9 - an excellent game, original and innovative, one of the best games of the year, a recommended buy or rent
8 - a great game, a recommended rent
7 - a good game, but nothing special
6 - a mediocre game, but with some enjoyable characteristics
5 - a bad game, with few to little redeeming qualities
4 - a bad game, do not play
3 through 1 - varying degrees of awful