This story of friendship follows
Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnehan, two British soldiers in India who decide to leave
the army and embark on an adventure to Kafiristan. It is a land in which no
white man has stepped since Alexander the Great. In such a land, these two common
men could be kings, if not deities.
The film is written and directed
by the great Hollywood filmmaker John Huston. He is
also responsible for such wonderful films as The Maltese Falcon, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre,
Key Largo, and The African Queen. The Man Who
Would Be King, however, is his last great film and the best of his later years
(of note as well: he took a strong supporting role in Chinatown
around the same time he made this). Huston worked with excellent composer Maurice Jarre
(whose score for Lawrence
of Arabia is one of cinema’s best), cinematographer Oswald Morris,
and production designer Alexandre Trauner.
The cast is also fantastic. Sean Connery
and Michael
Caine star, and have great chemistry together. Christopher
Plummer and Saeed
Jaffrey feature in support.
Based on a story by Rudyard
Kipling (the great British poet), The Man Who Would Be King is an exceptional
buddy film. Connery and Caine work so well together, making the adventure they
undertake an enjoyable cinematic experience with fun action and comedy. And,
they are both strong actors as well, enabling the film to also play as a good
drama. The film has become somewhat forgotten in time, but it is well worth
looking up for fans of Connery, Caine, Huston, and/or adventure films.
Trailer: Here
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