Following the events perpetrated
by Black September against Israel’s 1972 Olympic team in Munich, five men are
charged with finding all involved and bringing them to justice. These men are
sent from Israel to Europe to find and kill those involved living and/or
operating in Europe. This is based on the true story.
Munich is prolific director Steven Spielberg’s
best film of the 2000s (and really his best film since Saving
Private Ryan). Other notable films from the decade from Spielberg include: Minority Report
and Catch Me
If You Can. Spielberg worked with his frequent collaborators composer John Williams,
cinematographer Janusz
Kaminski, and production designer Rick Carter on
the film.
It stars Eric Bana,
and co-stars Daniel
Craig, Ciaran
Hinds, Mathieu
Kassovitz, and Hanns Zischler.
The supporting cast is very good as it features: Ayelet Zurer,
Geoffrey Rush,
Lonsdale, Mathieu
Amalric, Moritz
Bleibtreu, Marie-Josee
Croze, and Lynn Cohen.
Garnering five Oscar nominations,
including Best Picture and Director, Munich is excellent because it balances it
ability to be both a great spy thriller and an involving character drama. It is
not just all action, explosions, and gun fights, but a searing look at the
mental and physical cost that these men paid in an attempt to make right what
was so heinously done to their fellow countrymen. 2005 was maybe the strongest
year for cinema of the last decade (with films like: Batman
Begins, The Beat
That My Heart Skipped, Capote,
Kiss Bang Bang, Match
Point, The
New World, Pride
& Prejudice, Serenity,
and The
Squid and the Whale), and Munich is right there among the year’s best. It
is a must-see for fans of Spielberg and great thrillers.
Trailer: Here
Available on: DVD
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